SCHOENBERG RESIDENCY/Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi
MUSICA SACRA/sügis 2024
L 21.9.2024 kell 16.00 Pärnu Eliisabeti kirik | P 22.9.2024 kell 18.00 Eesti Nüüdismuusika Keskus
Andrus Kallastu (1967)
- Catalogue (1991, for Benin bells 2024)
Patrik Kako (1998)
- .jouissance_h for solo flute
Gon Muruaga (1985)
- Sobre el ciclo for amplified alto flute and ambisonics (2024)
Kaija Saariaho (1952-2023)
- Iltarukous (from Leino Songs) for voice and piano (2007)
Anthony Braxton (1945)
- Composition no. 304 for two instruments (2002)
Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi (1990)
- Melody of April for voice, two flutes and piano (2024)
Gon Muruaga (1985)
- En el trasfondo for amplified voice and ambisonics (2024)
Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi (1990)
- Kai koitti valon sävel for two sopranos, bass flute and fixed media (2024)
- Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi (hääl, flööt, elektroonika)
- Kai Kallastu (sopran)
- Leonora Palu (flööt)
- Andrus Kallastu (klaver)
- Gon Muruaga (kitarr, elektroonika)
- Kultuurkapital
- Pärnu linn
- Pärnu Eliisabeti kogudus
- Pärnu Linnagalerii
- Eesti Nüüdismuusika Keskus
- Eesti Arnold Schönbergi Ühing
Juba 2007. aastast pakub Eesti Arnold Schoenbergi Ühing heliloojatele, interpreetidele ja muusikateadlastele võimalust teostada oma kunstilisi plaane ja arendada koostööd Eesti heliloojate, interpreetide ja teiste valdkondade loovisikutega Pärnus toimuvas loomingulises residentuuris Schoenberg Residency .
Sel aastal on Schoenberg-residendiks mitmekülgne Soome helilooja, laulja, flötist ja improvisaator Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi, kelle tegevus hõlmab nii kaasaegset klassikalist muusikat, eksperimentaalset nüüdismuusikat, kaasaegset improvisatsiooni kui ka valdkondadevahelisi kompositsioone. Viirakivi on omandanud muusikahariduse Soomes ja Eestis. Ta on olnud mitmete eksperimentaalsete nüüdismuusikateoste esmaesitaja, arendades selleks rahvusvahelist koostööd eri valdkondade loovisikutega.
Heliä loomeresidentuur lõpeb kontsertidega, millel kõlab nii tema enda kui ka teiste heliloojate looming. Esinejatena on lisaks kaasatud ka loomeresidentuuri perioodil Viirakiviga koostööd teinud interpreedid ja heliloojad.
Join us for an extraordinary musical experience as the Estonian Arnold Schoenberg Association proudly presents Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi in two exclusive residency concerts! As our artist-in-residence, Viirakivi will collaborate with some of the most celebrated Estonian and Finnish musicians to bring you an unforgettable exploration of contemporary and experimental music.
Immerse yourself in Viirakivi's innovative journey through alternative interpretation and performance practices, featuring both notational and aural masterpieces. The program includes new compositions by Viirakivi, commissioned works by prominent Finnish and Estonian composers, powerful vocal pieces from the 21st century, and captivating improvisational music.
Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi is a versatile Finnish artist whose work spans across contemporary classical music, experimental contemporary music, contemporary improvisation and multidisciplinary concepts. Trained in classical music, contemporary music, and contemporary improvisation at the Helsinki Conservatory and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, she has developed unique artistic voice that integrates extended techniques, folk and gospel music influences all rooted in classical singing technique.
Her career features premieres and collaborations with emerging artists in contemporary and improvised music, as well as visual arts. Highlights include her soloist role with the Tallinn International Youth Orchestra at the Iberofest Tallinn, performances at the Time of Music festival in Finland and Müriaad festival in Estonia in 2022. In 2023, she worked with Robert Fleitz in Latvia, premiered new pieces at the COMPOSTER festival in Estonia, and performed at the Mixtur festival in Barcelona. In 2024 Viirakivi's activities include performances with the improvising duo MURUAGAMAILIIS in Switzerland and Latvia, with Hälytaidekollektiivi at the SLURPS - A new stage for contemporary art event in Joutsa Finland and performances with the folk-gospel quartet L'Armonia. Furthermore, she also creates an interactive art installation in Helsinki at the Asbestos Art Space in November in collaboration with Finnish painter Ulla Aurio. She is a member of the L'Armonia voice quartet, Ääni-ilmiö improvisers collective, NARAT trio, KRIHEVA improvisation trio, Solehmainen/Viirakivi duo as well as Hälytaidekollektiivi which she founded in aim to enhance alternative improvisation scene in Helsinki.
In addition to her artistic endeavors, Viirakivi is an active cultural worker, serving as a board member, producer and curator for projects with Kamarikuoro Gloria, Asbestos ry, Hjorted Art and Music festival, and as a product manager of wind instruments and sheet music at the F-Music stores. In 2024, she produced and curated the Music For Three Spaces concert series in Helsinki, co-produced Estonia meets Helsinki concert and co-produces the Hjorted Art and Music Festival in Hjorted Sweden.