Siin lehel toimub Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi loomeresidentuuri planeerimine. | The planning of Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi's creative residency takes place on this page.
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SCHOENBERG RESIDENCY. Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi projekti koduleht:
Investigation, performance practices, alternative performance practices, Vocal music, contemporary music, experimental music, acoustic music, acoustic-electronic music, world premieres, local collaboration, international collaboration, city attractiveness, increased community health,
Tõsta Pärnu loomekogukonna aktiivsust, suurendada Pärnu atraktiivsust rahvusvahelisel areenil. Residendi isiklik eesmärk vokaalsolisti ja ansamblistina on oma võimete arendamine ja rakendamine.
Implement an investigation of alternative notational and aural performance practises as a soloist and ensemble member realised at the city of Pärnu. Creating artistic activities in aim to increase the community residents health, increasing the attractiveness of the city and tourism.
Investigation via books, articles, discussions and lectures concerning the residency topics. Musical implementation on alternative interpretation and performance practices in contemporary and experimental music, including notational as well as aural aspects.
- During residency: Minimum of 3 concerts in variety setting in the city of Pärnu. One Residency Recital, other collaborative concerts with interdisciplinary aspects. Organizing other musical activities around the city of Pärnu.
- During residency: Investigating materials to support the written residency report/ outcome paper.
- Post-residency written feedback about the experience of participating in the residency and its compliance with the resident's expectations (contract fulfillment report)
- Post-residency Lecture or lecture-workshop about the residency outcomes/paper or post-residency concert in collaboration with local ja international artists?
Schedule 1.8.-30.9.2024[]
Residency period totally 2 months 1.8.-30.9.2024 divided for non-active and active periods.
- Non-active periods: investigation of residency topics, taking notes, writing, composing, preparing program
- Active periods: working physically in Pärnu, collaborating, preparing program, attending to activities and performing
1. active period 1.–11.8.2024[]
- Participation in RAAMID 5 & COMP 2024 1.-10.8.2024
- L 3.8.2024 kell 20. Pärnu Eliisabeti kirik. WELT GEBAUT IST 2024. ANDRUS KALLASTU AUTORIKONTSERT. Repoo Ensemble (Kai Kallastu (sopran), Leonora Palu (flööt), Aare Tammesalu (tšello), Jorma Toots (klaver)) + Benini traditsioonilise muusika ansambel (Otto Iivari (gankokoé), Asja Dorofejeva (ôssôrgoé), Hans-Gunter Lock (ôhoungbo), Janek Samberg (cléoun)), Andrus Kallastu (kpessin, dirigent)
- N 8.8.2024 kell 20 Pärnu Loovlinnak. Osalejad Leonora Palu (flöödid), Indrek Palu (viiul), Külli Roosna (tants), Alina Roosna-Flak (laivelektroonika), Kenneth Flak (tants), Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi (flöödid), Jaan Luulur Malin (hääl, objektid), Gon Muruaga Olguin (elektrikitarr), Otto Iivari (laivelektroonika), Quin Cai (performance), (:)kivisildnik (luule), Hans-Gunter Lock (vaatleja), Andrus Kallastu (kaamera)
- R 9.8.2024 kell 14.00. Pärnu Linnagalerii. Kunstnike maja (Nikolai 27). KAUNITE KUNSTIDE FILOSOOFIA SEMINAR. Vestlusring intersubjektiivsusest
- L 10.8.2024 kell 20. Pärnu Eliisabeti kirik. Valdkondadevahelise muusikalise kompositsiooni töötoa lõppkontsert. COMP 2024 Ensemble: Andrus Kallastu (löökpillid, heliobjektid), Gon Muruaga Olguin (kitarr, löökpillid, heliobjektid, elektroonika), Hans-Gunter Lock (löökpillid, heliobjektid, klahvpillid, elektroonika), Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi (vokaal, flööt, löökpillid, heliobjektid), Indrek Palu (viiul), Jaan Luulur Malin (hääl), Kai Kallastu (vokaal, heliobjektid), Kenneth Flak (tants, elektroonika), Külli Roosna (tants, interaktsioonidisain), Leonora Palu (flööt, löökpillid, löökpillid, heliobjektid), Otto Iivari (löökpillid, elektroonika), Salme Regiina Palu (helilooming, hääl, viiul). Kavas Andrus Kallastu, Kai Kallastu, Hans-Gunter Lock, Gon Muruaga, Leonora Palu, Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi, Kollektiivautor Jaan Luulur Malin - Külli Roosna - Kenneth Flak - Leonora Palu - Indrek Palu, Kollektiivautor Külli Roosna - Otto Iivari - Kenneth Flak
- Working with experimental new music and real time composition
- electroacoustic piece for voice and ambisonics (composer Gonzalo Muruaga), performance at RAAMID
- Aural and interpretation practices (Discussion and implementation of alternative performance and interpretation practises, Performance opportunities in experimental and interdisciplinary arts)
- COMP 2024
2. active period 16.– 29.9.2024[]
- Performances
- L 21.9.2024 kell 16.00 Pärnu Eliisabeti kirik | P 22.9.2024 kell 18.00 Eesti Nüüdismuusika Keskus (Pühavaimu 9). LOOMERESIDENDID. Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi (hääl, flööt, elektroonika), Kai Kallastu (sopran), Leonora Palu (flööt), Andrus Kallastu (klaver), Gon Muruaga (kitarr, elektroonika). Kavas Braxton, Kako, Kallastu, Muruaga, Saariaho, Viirakivi
- Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi: new solo works for church acoustics and voice Melody of April for voice, two flutes and piano (2024), Kai koitti valon sävel for two sopranos, bass flute and fixed media (2024)
- L 21.9.2024 kell 16.00 Pärnu Eliisabeti kirik | P 22.9.2024 kell 18.00 Eesti Nüüdismuusika Keskus (Pühavaimu 9). LOOMERESIDENDID. Heliä Mailiis Viirakivi (hääl, flööt, elektroonika), Kai Kallastu (sopran), Leonora Palu (flööt), Andrus Kallastu (klaver), Gon Muruaga (kitarr, elektroonika). Kavas Braxton, Kako, Kallastu, Muruaga, Saariaho, Viirakivi
- Personal creative work
- working with sound installation art and music at the Pärnu city gallery. Making Sounding objects installation from natural and non natural recycled material and creating a musical performance from it. Performance at the Pärny city gallery? This is a project with what I am working on this summer. I would love to implement it to the residency activities as well. This project is about to create art from natural materials and non natural recycled materials. Aim of the project is to make installations from these materials so, that when moved/touched they make a sound. Then I will use the sounds to create a musical performance. The purpose of the project is to show how non natural materials bind natural materials (result is the sound), show the contrast between them and create discussion about the topic.
- Kultuurkapital
- Pärnu linn
- Pärnu Eliisabeti kogudus
- Pärnu Linnagalerii
- Eesti Nüüdismuusika Keskus
- Eesti Arnold Schönbergi Ühing