Lulin Yang / Linda Young / Yellow Wasabi
Lulin Yang (Linda Young/Yellow Wasabi) is an emerging immigrant female artist playing the chinese folk instrument Guzheng (chinese harp). Guzheng is often associated with feminine or meditation music. Lulin extends Guzheng with improvisation, interactive art and sound composing, and AI.
Lulin has established the contact to the Estonian Schoenberg Society during the PRISM (Perception, Representation, Image, Sound, Music) JIM (Computer Music Days) conference in Marseille in Spring 2024. The society researches, practices and import new music and interdisciplinary concepts to Estonia since 1988 organizing festivals (annual Pärnu Contemporary Music Days), workshops, learning circles, conferences, concert series and residencies.
Based on their mission to introduce international emerging musicians to Estonia, the society invites Lulin to do a 10 days residency in Tallinn. Lulin will present her skills, experience and practices of playing/expanding a traditional instrument’s playing techniques with latest new media techniques to the local audience. She will meet and discuss with composers and musicians of the society and the Estonian Center of Contemporary Music in her concerts at the Schoenberg series and MUSICA SACRA (Pärnu) (directed towards a broader audience) and is invited to present at a seminar with live-electronics students at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Electronic Music Studio. She will meet local improvisation groups and discover Estonian folk music (e.g. instruments in the Estonian Theatre and Music Museum. folk music archive in the Estonian Literary Museum in Tartu.
Portfoolio | Portfolio:
- 1) Portfolio et images:
- 2) Video 1: Festival électropixel at Nantes, France, 30-31 Aug 2024 (electro Guzheng & visual)
- 3) Video 2: French Deposition, concerts of French label fréquences critiques, 17 may 2024 (AI gestual control)
- 4) Video 3: (Microscope Music)
- 5) Instagram:
- 6) Soundcloud:
Märksõnad | Key words[]
Chinese female immigrant artiste, Chinese traditional folk music instrument, transdisciplinary artist with diploma from neuroscience, movement and sound, new media art, scientific collaboration, public conference, culture academic exchange, tour in Baltic countries.
Kontseptsioon | Concept[]
I can play a instrumental electroacoustic concert in the church, and a MaxMSP movement trigger sounds with interactive projection" new media concert at the contemporary music center.
Ajakava | Schedule[]
Seisuga 5. detsember 2024
Periood: 3.-12.4.2025
- 3.4.2025
- 4.4.2025
- 5.4.2025
- 16.00 Pärnu Eliisabeti kirik / Elizabeth Church. Schönbergi sari / Schoenberg series Linda Young (hiina harf / chinese harp)
- 6.4.2025
- 7.4.2025
- 8.4.2025
- 9.4.2025
- 19.00 Tartu Jaani kirik / St. John's Church. Schönbergi sari / Schoenberg series. Linda Young (hiina harf / chinese harp)
- 10.4.2025
- 19.00 Eesti Nüüdismuusika Keskus / Estonian Center of Contemporary Music. Schönbergi sari / Schoenberg series. Linda Young (hiina harf / chinese harp) - kontsert & presentatsioon/töötuba / concert & presentation/workshop
- 11.4.2025
- 10.00 Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Artist talk: Linda Young - Live-electroonika loengu osa / part of the Live-electronics lecture series by Hans-Gunter Lock)
Koostöös | In cooperation[]
- Eesti Arnold Schönbergi Ühing
- Eesti Nüüdismuusika Keskus
- EELK Pärnu Eliisabeti kogudus
- EELK Tartu Ülikooli-Jaani Kogudus
- Pärnu Ooper
- Pärnu linn
- Tartu linn
- Tallinna linn
- Kultuurkapital
- Culture Moves Europe