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Estonian Arnold Schoenberg Society
Schoenberg Residence
Pärnu, Estonia

The goal of the international Schoenberg Residence is to mediate specific information about contemporary music that can be exchanged only through international personal contacts between musicians. Schoenberg Residence activities are carried out in close cooperation with Estonian and foreign artists, creative communities and creative centers.

Schoenberg Residence is primarily intended for composers, performers and music researchers. Creative persons of other domains who combine music with other medias are also welcome.

Initiated and run by artists, theoreticians, practitioners and activists themselves, Schoenberg Residence is a user-created informal institution. It is a platform for anyone who is interested in widening the scope of their creative practices.

There is no formal application for Schoenberg Residence, nor any selection is applied. Just write an email to schoenberg@schoenberg.ee, describing briefly yourself, your field of professional activities (could even be a link to your website), your plans for residence and for how long you want to stay.

Contact person: Andrus Kallastu, schoenberg@schoenberg.ee

Cooperation (open to new partners):

  • Festival. Estonian Arnold Schoenberg Society (http://www.schoenberg.ee) has a major project in January, the Pärnu Days of Contemporary Music with multimedia workshops, that bring together artists from different fields. schoenberg@schoenberg.ee
  • Concert series. In collaboration with Pärnu Opera (http://www.ooper.parnu.ee) residents have the possibility to organize a concert within the concert series called Musica Sacra in Pärnu Elisabeth Church (September-November, March-May). http://et.parnu.wikia.com/wiki/Musica_sacra ooper@parnu.ee
  • Lectures. In collaboration with Pärnu Union of Creative People / Pärnu Loomeliit residents have also the possibility to organize lectures (http://et.parnu.wikia.com/wiki/KAUNITE_KUNSTIDE_FILOSOOFIA).
  • Training room. Pärnu Artists House / Pärnu Kunstnike maja (http://linnagalerii.parnu.ee/), Nikolai 27, 80010 Pärnu, info@linnagalerii.ee
  • Technical cooperation. Loomeheli Stuudio: experimental Music - Art - Performance. Your partner for electroacoustic music, new media, and interactive technologies. Hans-Gunter Lock, hans-gunter.lock@artun.ee

Official home page: Schoenberg Residence